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Livonia Dog Bite Lawyer

Has a dog bite caused you financial hardship? If so, call The Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates. We can help you recover fair compensation.

Dog bite attacks are reported in Livonia each year. The sound of a menacing growl and the sudden, acute pain of a bite add up to a traumatic experience that can leave visible and unseen scars that can last a lifetime. You're probably here because you have personal experience with this.

You may have hospital expenses, lost income, and even some post-traumatic stress disorder to contend with. You have options to recover fair compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. At Christopher Trainor & Associates, we help people who were injured due to the negligence of others receive adequate compensation for medical bills, wage loss, and the suffering they experience. If you need help from a Livonia dog bite lawyer, do not hesitate to call us today.

Dog Bite Attacks in Livonia, Michigan

Dog bite events in Livonia are a serious public health hazard that touches many people and families. Every year, locals deal with the psychological and financial fallout from bites in addition to the physical consequences.

Here are a few noteworthy figures and facts:

  • Like in other parts of Michigan, postal employees in Livonia regularly risk being bitten by dogs while on the job.
  • In the United States, dog bites accounted for 1% of all ER visits. The most serious injuries require reconstructive surgery.
  • From 2005 to 2019, 76% of dog bite deaths were related to Pit Bulls and Rottweilers.

Every year, dogs bite over 4.5 million Americans, and a large percentage of these cases necessitate medical attention. These figures demonstrate the urgent need for preventive measures and safety awareness.

Five Most Common Dog Bite Injuries

If treated improperly, dog bites can result in various diseases and injuries that could become life-threatening. Typical injuries from dog bites include:

  1. Crush injuries: The bite's force compresses body tissues, possibly causing severe damage to muscles, bones, and nerves.
  2. Abrasions and lacerations: Abrasions are like scrapes on the skin, where the top layer is rubbed off. Lacerations are deeper cuts or tears in the skin.
  3. Puncture wounds: This deep hole in the skin is not a wide or open wound, but it's deep enough to reach far under the skin.
  4. Broken bones: When people use their hands or arms to protect themselves, bones can break or crack, especially if a larger dog attacks.
  5. Loss of tissue: This dog bite results in part of the skin or flesh being torn completely away.


Three Types of Dog Bite Infections

Following a dog bite, infections are possible and they pose severe health risks. A dog's mouth is home to bacteria and viruses; their sharp teeth can drive these pathogens deep into tissues. Among the infections that could develop are:

  1. Rabies: Rabies has become rare in the U.S. thanks to widespread pet vaccinations. Still, take any animal bite seriously if you're unsure about the canine's vaccination history. Always opt for preventive treatment because once rabies symptoms appear, the disease is almost always fatal.
  2. Tetanus: If the victim's tetanus shots are out of date, they may be in danger of contracting this infection. The bacteria can lead to severe stiff muscles and spasms that might cause injuries.
  3. Bacterial infections: Pasteurella, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus species are the most common causes of infections. Swelling, redness, discomfort, and seeping from the bite site are possible symptoms.

What to Do When a Dog Bites You

Don't be afraid to act if you believe a dog has bitten you. It’s important to get immediate medical care as well as have a documented medical record of the injury immediately after the incident. Here is a detailed guide of what to do after a dog bites you.

  1. Ensure Your Safety
  • Get to a Safe Area: To stop the dog from attacking you again, quickly and calmly get away.
  • Remain Calm: If the dog is still close, avoid agitating it further by making loud noises or abrupt movements.
  1. If Possible, Treat Your Injury
  • Clean the Wound: To lower the chance of infection, rinse the bite with warm water and a little soap. To stop any bleeding, gently press with a clean cloth.
  • Use Antiseptic: To stop infections, use an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide, iodine, alcohol, or witch hazel.
  • Seek Medical Treatment: Serious illnesses like rabies or tetanus can result from dog bites. Even for minor injuries, visit a healthcare professional so they can administer required treatments like antibiotics or a tetanus shot.
  1. Record Everything
  • Take Clear Pictures of Your Injuries: Capture crisp images of your injuries from various viewpoints. These can be used as proof if you want to go to court.
  • Collect Information: If feasible, contact the dog's owner and any witnesses to get their contact details. Note the dog's size, breed, and any unique characteristics.
  • Report the event: To report the event, contact Livonia's local animal control agency, call 911, and file a report with the Wayne County Health Department. This official report may be required for insurance or legal reasons.
  1. Speak with Legal Counsel
  • Be Aware of Your Rights: Michigan has laws about dog bites that impose strict liability on owners for any harm their dogs may cause. This means you have the right to seek compensation from the dog’s owner.
  • Get Legal Advice: Speak with a personal injury attorney who handles dog bite cases. They can guide you on how to continue with compensation claims when the bite causes significant pain and suffering, lost pay, or medical bills.
  1. Subsequent Medical Care
  • Comply with Treatment Plans: Follow any treatment regimens your physician prescribes. Keep all scheduled follow-up appointments.
  • Keep an Eye Out for Symptoms: Stay alert for any indications of infection or other issues, such as fever, increasing discomfort, or redness surrounding the wound.
  1. Mental Health Check Up
  • Attend to Your Mental Well Being: Pay attention to your emotional health in the weeks that follow the attack, and if you exhibit signs of stress, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), think about speaking with a mental health expert.

All in all, you'll have a documented record of the incident once you have finished these steps. Additionally, Your paper trail assists local law enforcement in tracking down aggressive dogs and preventing harm to others.






How to Report a Dog Bite Attack in Livonia

After a dog bite, you should report it as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours. Prompt reporting to local authorities makes sure someone can examine the dog for rabies or other diseases. Also, an official report can play an important evidentiary role in any future legal action. Here are the steps to take:

  1. To report a dog bite in Livonia, contact the Livonia Animal Control Office if the incident occurs during regular business hours, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Their phone number is (734) 466-2655.
  2. If the dog bite occurs after hours or on the weekend, you should call the Livonia Police Department at (734) 466-2470 to report the incident.
  3. Include any medical reports you may have with your report to provide a complete record of the event.

After reporting a dog bite attack in Livonia, Michigan, the process generally follows these steps:

  1. Investigation: Animal Control will investigate the incident. This includes checking the dog's vaccination history and any prior incidents and assessing the situation to determine if the dog poses a continued risk.
  2. Quarantine: Depending on the severity and circumstances of the bite, the dog may be quarantined. This is done to monitor the dog for signs of rabies and to ensure public safety.
  3. Legal Action and Enforcement: The investigation might lead to enforcement actions against the dog owner, including fines or other penalties. In cases where the dog is found to be a danger or has a history of aggression, further actions, such as mandating specific restraints or even removal from the home, might be considered.
  4. Documentation for Claims: Reporting the incident also provides documentation you can use in any civil claims for injuries This step helps you obtain appropriate compensation through insurance or legal action.

This process requires cooperation between the dog owner and the victim to ensure a thorough investigation and appropriate response.

Legal Aspects to Take into Account

If a dog attacks someone, its owner is responsible as long as the dog bite victim has not trespassed or provoked the dog. An accident report lays the groundwork for any future legal claims for compensation if the bite causes you to suffer losses or medical costs. Do you have any questions about the procedure or your legal rights? Speak with a Livonia dog bite attorney. Christopher Trainor & Associates offers free consultations so you can learn your best options moving forward.






How an Insurance Company Handles Dog Bite Claims

In Livonia, if the dog owner has a homeowner’s insurance policy, it may cover the expenses that arise for the victim of the dog bite.

Depending on the specifics of the policy, there may be significant differences in the insurance coverage for dog bite injuries, such as breed-specific restrictions or maximum payout amounts for dog bite claims.

For example, commonly restricted breeds often include Pit bulls, Rottweilers, German Shepherds, Akitas, and Doberman Pinschers.

After you report a claim, the insurance company will investigate to determine who is at fault and the severity of the injuries. This investigation involves reviewing:

  • Witness statements
  • Medical records
  • The dog's history

The insurer's primary goal is to assess financial responsibility for the incident. Maintaining detailed records of the incident and any injuries you sustain can significantly support your claim.

To reduce losses, insurance companies are renowned for making swift settlement offers. Fast settlements could be alluring, but they might not be enough to pay for:

  • Future medical expenses
  • Missed income
  • Pain and suffering

You should not accept any settlement without first discussing it with a Livonia dog bite lawyer. They can help you determine whether the settlement adequately covers all of your damages.

Insurance firms have lawyers and trained adjusters on staff to protect their bottom lines. Having legal representation at this point helps you level the playing field. A lawyer representing you can negotiate skillfully on your behalf, arguing for a higher payment based on their understanding of Michigan's dog bite statutes and prior case results.

When Insurance Won't Cover All Expenses 

What if insurance doesn't fully cover all losses from a dog attack? You can take legal action against the dog owner or their assets, especially if the injuries have long-term consequences. You may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit with the help of a lawyer. This can open up the door to more compensation than a simple claim may get you otherwise.






What Does Michigan Law Say About Dog Bites?

The law here is clear: if a dog bites someone who wasn't intruding or inciting the dog, the owner is at fault. This law protects citizens by requiring pet owners to adhere to strict guidelines, and it applies to the entire state, including Livonia.

Strict Liability in Cases of Dog Bite

Strict liability states that a dog owner is responsible for any damage their dog bites someone, even if the dog has never exhibited aggressive behavior. Put simply, if a dog bites someone, the owner may still be held liable even if the dog has never bitten or displayed hostility.

Obligations of Dog Owners

This law emphasizes to Livonia dog owners how vigilant they must be to avoid dog bites. Owners must make preventative efforts, like ensuring their dogs are well-trained and socialized to avoid aggressive behavior, wearing leashes in public, and keeping their pets safely in gated areas.

Dog Bite Victims’ Rights

Strict responsibility makes it easier for anybody hurt by a dog attack to get compensation. Victims do not need to demonstrate negligence on the owner's part or that the dog has a history of aggressiveness. This section of the Michigan legislation makes it easier for victims to get justice and payment for their injuries.

Michigan's dog bite legislation aims to create a safer community where people and pets may live in harmony by balancing the obligations of dog ownership and people's rights to be safe from harm.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim for a Dog Bite Injury

A personal injury claim in a dog bite case allows victims bitten by a dog to seek compensation for their injuries under state law. Michigan's "strict liability" dog bite statute makes owners liable for all damages from their canine biting an individual. This liability applies regardless of whether the owner was aware of the pet's aggressiveness.

Under this law (Michigan Compiled Laws Section 287.351), for a successful claim, the victim must typically demonstrate that:

  1. The dog bit them.
  2. The incident occurred while they were on public property or lawfully on private property, including the dog owner's property.
  3. They were not provoking the dog at the time of the bite.

A successful lawsuit can cover medical costs, lost wages, pain, suffering, and emotional distress. Victims need to document all related injuries and expenses thoroughly. Legal help is commonly used to handle the complexities of filing and winning a dog bite claim.






The Steps in a Dog Bite Lawsuit

You may file a lawsuit to get the compensation you are entitled to if a dog bite hurts you. Here are some actions to take to ensure your process will go smoothly:

  • Step 1: Obtain Medical Care: Put your health first and foremost. For your injuries, get medical attention right away. This step protects your health and documents your injuries, which you'll need for your legal case. Your medical records will demonstrate the degree and type of your injuries.
  • Step 2: Document the Attack: Notify the Livonia Police Department or Livonia Animal Control about the dog bite. This official report will provide an extra layer of evidence for establishing the facts of the case.
  • Step 3: Compile Proof: Gather as much information as you can. If you can, take pictures of the dog, the scene of the incident, and your injuries. Obtain the names and contact details of any witnesses to the attack. Your case will be more strongly supported with this data.
  • Step 4: Record Injuries and Expenses: Keep detailed records of all medical treatments and their costs. Also, document any lost earnings if the injury has impacted your ability to work. Note any long-term medical and psychological effects, as these can influence the compensation you might receive.
  • Step 5: Speak with a Livonia, Michigan Dog Bite Lawyer: Speak with a personal injury attorney who handles dog bite claims. They will help you understand your rights under Michigan's dog bite laws.
  • Step 6: Bring Legal Action: Your attorney will formally initiate the legal process when they draft and submit a complaint to the court. The lawsuit will provide a detailed account of your claims compensation requests.
  • Step 7: The Phase of Discovery: After filing the case, both sides will go through a discovery period. During the discovery process, every party looks into the other's allegations and facts. You might need to provide testimony, submit supporting documentation, and reply to the opposing side's legal counsel.
  • Step 8: Settlement and Negotiation: Many dog bite cases settle out of court. Your attorney will work to secure a settlement from the dog owner's insurance company or their lawyer, aiming to cover your losses.
  • Step 9: Litigation: What if you don't like the dog bite settlement offer? Your case will proceed to trial, where both parties present their evidence. At this stage, a judge or jury will decide on who's responsible for the incident and assess the extent of any damages incurred. It is rare for a dog bite case to actually go to trial.
  • Step 10: Awards and Verdicts: The final step involves your attorney ensuring that any damages awarded to you through a trial or settlement get paid out correctly.

Are you thinking about filing a lawsuit over a dog bite? A dog bite attorney in Livonia can help you manage the proceedings, explain Michigan's laws, and handle your case.






What Advantages Do Personal Injury Lawyers Offer? 

Has a dog bite caused an unforeseen challenge in your day-to-day life? Having an experienced dog bite attorney on your side could be advantageous. These legal advisors provide the assistance you require to move forward and are knowledgeable about Michigan's dog bite laws.

Familiarity with Local and State Legislation 

Michigan's dog bite laws apply strict liability for dog owners regardless of the dog's previous behavior. This legal principle means the owner is responsible even if the dog showed prior aggression. Livonia dog bite attorneys are here to help you understand the legal system and make sense of the state laws that apply to your case.

Insurance Claim Management 

Dealing with insurance firms may not be safe. Dog bite attorneys are qualified to handle challenging conversations with insurance providers. They are aware of the tactics used by insurance companies to minimize your payout. A lawyer will fight on your behalf to ensure you receive fair treatment and compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related losses.

Network of Must-Have Resources 

Attorneys who have experience handling dog bite cases have access to various resources that could be useful in your case. This network includes doctors who can provide in-depth analyses and expert testimony regarding your injuries and investigators who can gather information to bolster your claim. These resources support a successful claim.

Reduce Stress

It can be very stressful to handle a dog bite claim on your own, especially when you are still recovering from your injuries. Lawyers can relieve much of this stress throughout the claim process. This mental relief gives you more time to focus on your recovery while your attorney handles the complex legal issues.

Achieve the Maximum Reward

Your compensation may be much higher if you hire a dog bite lawyer. They can better present your case since they know state and municipal dog bite laws. They also know how to negotiate with insurers who want to minimize their payouts. Your lawyer will compile all the best evidence to support your allegation. These considerations increase your chances of getting your full compensation.

Let Our Personal Injury Team Help You

Are you dealing with painful physical injuries from a dog bite? Are you feeling overwhelmed by your hospital bills? Our legal team at the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates understands, and we want to help.

Our committed Livonia dog bite lawyer knows how to fight for your rights effectively. We have over $250 million in verdicts and settlements for our clients.

Call 248-886-8650 to schedule a free consultation right now. We're here to help you secure the compensation you are entitled to.


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