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Detroit Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Have you been injured in a motorcycle accident or lost a loved one in a tragic motorcycle crash in Detroit? Call Christopher Trainor & Associates for a free consultation; you may be entitled to compensation.

Most people view those who ride motorcycles as engaging in risky behavior, which often leads to the wrongful assumption that when an accident happens, the motorcyclist must be at fault. In reality, the majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by the driver of the other vehicle.

Due to the complete absence of safety features on motorcycles, riders are 35 times more at risk of being killed in an accident than someone inside a passenger vehicle. 80% of all motorcycle accidents result in death or serious injury to the motorcyclist, while the comparable number for passenger vehicles is roughly 20%. If you were seriously injured in a motorcycle crash through no fault of your own, the Detroit motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Office of Christopher Trainor & Associates will help you file a claim and, if necessary, a motorcycle accident lawsuit.

What Can a Lawyer Do for Me After a Detroit Motorcycle Accident?

Our Detroit motorcycle accident attorneys will work diligently to show that the driver of the striking vehicle committed negligence and that negligence was the cause of your accident and injuries. To ensure a successful outcome for your case, our lawyers will:

  • Gather all eyewitness testimonies, investigative reports, and police crash reports
  • Use our firm’s skilled investigators to interview any and all bystanders
  • Hire an accident reconstruction expert to download data from the striking vehicle’s black box
  • Work with expert witnesses to review the accident and determine the cause
  • Obtain copies of your medical records to demonstrate the severity of your accident-related injuries

Call us today to schedule a free consultation with one of the experienced Detroit motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates.

How Much Does it Cost to Work With a Detroit Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

After decades of fighting for the rights of those injured in Detroit motorcycle accidents, we know exactly how disastrous a motorcycle accident can be. That is why we work hard to obtain the maximum amount of financial compensation under the law at absolutely no upfront cost.

When you partner with our personal injury law firm, you never pay anything upfront for our services and you will not owe any attorney fees unless we achieve a successful outcome to your case. At that point, we will collect our fee in the form of a previously agreed-upon percentage of your total settlement award. This payment arrangement, known as a contingency fee, guarantees that our interests are always aligned with our clients’ interests. We do not get paid unless you do.

What Causes Detroit Motorcycle Accidents?

As mentioned earlier, a very small percentage of Detroit motorcycle accidents are actually caused by the motorcyclist. In most collisions, the motorcyclist is not found negligent, meaning the crash was not their fault. On the balance, motorcycle accidents occur when a negligent driver ignores the fact that motorcyclists are afforded the same duty of care as the driver of any other type of vehicle.

In Detroit, and throughout Michigan, the leading causes of motorcycle collisions are listed as:

  • Improper or unlawful lane changes
  • Driving while distracted
  • Drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Excessive speeding
  • Running red lights and stop signs
  • Unexpected braking
  • Wrong-way drivers
  • Failure to yield the right-of-way
  • Hazardous roadway conditions, such as potholes
  • Defective vehicle components

If you ride a motorcycle then you are probably already aware that police like to ascribe fault for any accident to you, even when the other driver was the one to blame. The Detroit motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates have the experience and skill necessary to thoroughly investigate your accident and prove that you were not the negligent driver.

Statewide Motorcycle Crash Statistics

A total of 2,728 motorcycle accidents took place in Michigan in 2018, representing a slight decrease from the year before. Of those, 192 were fatal and another 2,004 resulted in some degree of injury to the rider, and just under 45% cited driver intoxication as a contributing factor in the crash. Deer were involved in a total of 242 motorcycle accidents that led to 170 injuries and nine deaths.

The largest numbers of motorcycle accident injuries by county are as follows:

  • Ottawa County: 58
  • Ingham County: 71
  • Kalamazoo County: 72
  • Muskegon County: 91
  • Genesee County: 98
  • Kent County: 180
  • Oakland County: 220
  • Wayne County: 432

Who is Liable for Repairing or Replacing My Motorcycle After an Accident?

In Michigan, the No-Fault Act permits owners and drivers of motor vehicles to collect as much as $1,000.00 from the liable driver and owner to cover any necessary vehicle repairs or replacements. Motorcycle riders, however, are not eligible to file a claim because they are specifically for motor vehicles, and according to Michigan’s No-Fault Act, a motorcycle is not defined as a motor vehicle.

For accidents involving two or more motorcycles, the owner of the motorcycle and the at-fault driver, who may or may not be the same person, are liable for any repairs or damages to your bike. In this case, the victim would file a claim against their own insurance provider in order to get their bike replaced or repaired.

What Are Some Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries?

Accidents involving motorcycles often cause severe and even catastrophic injuries to motorcyclists and their passengers. The motorcycle accident injuries that occur most frequently in Detroit are:

  • Spinal cord damage, especially damage leading to paralysis
  • Head trauma, such as concussions and traumatic brain injuries
  • Injuries to the back and neck, such as whiplash
  • Knee injuries
  • Broken and fractured bones
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Permanent scarring and disfigurement
  • Avulsion injuries (road rash)
  • Emotional trauma, such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder

Motorcycle accident victims typically require multiple surgeries, extended hospitalizations, and costly physical rehabilitation. Most of the above-listed injuries lead to lifelong disabilities that will have a huge impact on the victim’s family, work, and private life.

Who is Liable for My Detroit Motorcycle Accident?

When trying to determine who is liable for your Detroit motorcycle accident, odds are that an intoxicated or distracted driver was the cause. If you were not at fault for the collision that caused your injuries and other damages, you should not be responsible for covering them.  This means that proving that the other driver was at fault for your accident is an essential step in the claims process.

Our Detroit, MI motorcycle accident lawyers can perform an investigation into your motorcycle accident and gather strong evidence that supports your version of events. If your accident was caused by another person’s negligence, the attorneys at the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates will work to prove it and ensure that you receive the financial compensation and justice that you and your family deserve.

Common causes of Detroit motorcycle accidents involving negligennce are as follows:

  • Defective motorcycle components: Manufacturers and designers have a duty of care to develop and create safe components for motorcycles. If a component is defective, the designer or manufacturer can be held responsible for the crashes and damages they cause.
  • Driving under the influence: Drunk and drugged drivers are a serious traffic safety issue in Detroit and all throughout Michigan. If your motorcycle accident and injuries were caused by a driver who was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they could be held accountable in both civil and criminal court.
  • Hazardous road conditions: Many streets in and around the Detroit area are badly in need of repairs. Poorly designed roadways and roadways that have not been properly maintained are capable of contributing to serious motorcycle accidents. If you suspect that your motorcycle crash was the result of a hazardous roadway condition, the government agency in charge of roadway upkeep could be held liable for your accident-related damages.
  • Distracted driving: The website for the Michigan State Police shows that distracted driving is the number one cause of car accident injuries and deaths in the United States. Although legislation restricting the use of cell phones behind the wheel has been enacted, very few drivers seem to take the laws and penalties surrounding distracted driving seriously. If a driver’s failure to pay attention to their surroundings was the cause of your motorcycle accident, they should be brought to account.
  • Negligent maintenance: Just like motor vehicles, motorcycles need to receive routine maintenance and occasional repairs. Mechanics owe a duty of care to the owners of the vehicles they work on to provide an expected level of service. If they fail to meet this obligation by not properly servicing or repairing your bike, it could lead to a serious crash for which they could be held liable.
  • Fatigued driving: Driving is inherently dangerous and, as such, it requires drivers to give their full attention to the task. Drivers who are fatigued or sleep-deprived can cause catastrophic collisions in much the same manner as drivers who are under the influence. And, just like those drivers, they can be held liable for the accidents they cause.
  • Reckless driving: Unfortunately, a lot of drivers do not seem concerned about the harm their reckless driving actions can cause to themselves or those around them. These dangerous drivers should be held responsible for the damages caused by their recklessness and indifference.

Am I Still Eligible for No-Fault Benefits if I Contributed to My Detroit Motorcycle Accident?

Yes, even if you were partially responsible for your own motorcycle accident and subsequent injuries, you are still eligible to file a claim. However, Michigan fault laws state that any financial compensation awarded to you will be decreased by the same percentage of fault.  The state abides by the law of modified comparative negligence, which means that you are still entitled to recover financial compensation provided that you were not responsible for 51% or more of the accident.

For instance, if you are found 25% at fault for the accident and the other driver is found 75% at fault, you may still bring a claim for 75% of your total damages. Any compensation award you receive will be lowered in proportion to your measure of fault, but you will not be totally barred from collecting.

Our lawyers have been handling the complexities of comparative negligence and its impact on motorcycle accident victims for decades. Our primary aim is to decrease your percentage of fault and maximize your financial recovery by as much as possible. We will fully investigate you accident and demonstrate how and why the other party bears the larger portion of the liability.

Who Will Cover My Lost Wages and Medical Bills?

After being injured in a motorcycle crash, it must be determined if you are eligible for no-fault benefits, and if so, which insurance carrier is responsible for covering your medical bills and expenses.

Many motorcyclists also choose to purchase MedPay coverage to supplement their motorcycle insurance and ensure that, in the event of a serious accident, their medical expenses will be covered. This is crucial because if your accident did not involve another vehicle, your no-fault benefits won’t be paid out and your medical bills will not be covered. When it comes to lost earnings, motorcycle accident victims are eligible to collect 85% of their income for up to three years. Michigan personal injury law does place a monthly cap on this benefit.

Can I File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit if My Loved One Was Killed in a Detroit Motorcycle Accident?

If a member of your family was killed in a motorcycle accident that they did not cause, certain surviving relatives are entitled to bring a wrongful death lawsuit against the at-fault party. A claim of wrongful death is one that pursues financial compensation for the pain and suffering endured by the victim before their passing, the loss of fellowship endured by surviving members of the family, as well as additional claims as permitted pursuant to the state’s wrongful death act.

What Questions Will I Be Asked About My Detroit Motorcycle Accident?

In order to begin building your case, your motorcycle accident attorney is going to ask you a lot of questions. This allows us to find out details that will assist us in ensuring that we build the most compelling case possible on your behalf. This process will also include negotiating with insurance carriers and, if necessary, submitting evidence in court.

As we work on your case, we will draft a persuasive and robust narrative that fully explains the how, who, and why of your motorcycle crash, injuries, and damages, all of which are paramount to the success of your injury claim. Your Detroit motorcycle accident lawyer might ask you questions such as:

  • Are you the owner of the motorcycle that you were riding when your accident took place?
  • At the time of the accident, did you have valid auto insurance?
  • Who caused the accident? Were there other parties who could potentially share liability?
  • Did anyone receive a traffic citation for the accident?
  • Did the other driver(s) involved in the crash have valid auto insurance?
  • Were you injured in the accident? If so, what was the nature of your injuries?
  • Did you lose a family member in the crash?
  • How long after the incident did you go to the hospital or get seen by a doctor?

Will I Have to Go to Court for My Michigan Motorcycle Accident Claim?

About 95% of all pending personal injury lawsuits in the United States are resolved with a pre-trial settlement. So, it is highly unlikely that your motorcycle accident case will end up in court. On the off chance that court does prove necessary, a Detroit motorcycle accident lawyer from our team can litigate the case on your behalf.

For a lot of people, especially injured motorcycle accident victims, the mere thought of having to go to court can be overwhelming. Fortunately, when you work with an attorney from the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates, we will deal with every aspect of the personal injury process for you and let you concentrate on getting better.

Although the majority of motorcycle accident claims are settled through strategic and complex negotiations without ever seeing the inside of a courtroom, if the insurance company refuses to compensate you fairly, we will represent you in court. Our objective is to settle your case out of court because it is the quickest path to you collecting a compensation check and avoiding the stress of a trial. However, from day one, we begin preparing your motorcycle accident case with a trial in mind so, should the moment arrive, we will be ready to offer you the best legal representation possible. This also makes insurance companies more likely to offer full and fair financial compensation because they know our firm will not hesitate to take them to court.

What Will a Detroit Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Do To Help My Case?

Following serious motorcycle accidents, injured victims often find they have a lot on their plates. They are undergoing medical treatments and working to recover from their injuries, and they are worried about finding a way to pay their bills while they are out of work, all while trying to figure out how to file a claim. This is where a skilled attorney can step in and oversee the legal aspects of your case while you focus on healing. Other ways in which our attorneys can help you after a Detroit motorcycle accident include:

  • Discussing your case with you and gathering all the facts of your motorcycle accident. Your lawyer can advise you on whether or not you have a strong case and give you a ballpark figure of its value.
  • If we need additional evidence to prove your version of events, your attorney will conduct a comprehensive investigation into your accident and collect and presevre all relevant evidence.
  • We handle every case as if it were going to trial. Our goal is to ensure you receive fair compensation for your damages, not make a quick settlement.
  • Insurance company representatives, such as insurance adjusters, are devious and are not looking out for your best interests. Their goal is to pay you as little as possible. We will be there to counteract their shady strategies and make sure you get treated fairly.
  • We understand that your motorcycle is important to you. We will ensure that you are not left to cover the cost of replacement or repairs out of your own pocket.
  • You deserve a just settlement from the insurance company and we will fight to make that happen.
  • If the insurer refuses to pay you fairly, we will gladly take them to court.

Our Detroit motorcycle accident lawyers will be by your side through the claims process. We will offer reliable advice, make sure you know and understand your rights, and fight to win you the settlement you need and deserve.

You Deserve Compensation For Your Detroit Motorcycle Accident

Motorcyclists should be able to enjoy the freedom that comes with riding without having to worry about what will happen if they are injured due to another party’s negligence. Unfortunately, given their lack of physical protection, accidents involving motorcycles often lead to severe injuries whose treatment can run into the tens of thousands and even millions.

Many motorcycle accident victims require extended courses of rehabilitation, therapy, and medical treatment, which can cause them to be unable to return to work, and even require a lengthy time in a residential rehabilitation facility. All of this means that victims incur massive and continuing medical expenses. If you lost a family member in a fatal motorcycle accident, you could also be facing huge medical bills, funerary costs, and other expenses related to your loved one’s passing.

Call Christopher Trainor & Associates for a Free Consultation

The Detroit motorcycle accident lawyers at the Law Offices of Christopher Trainor & Associates have the experience, knowledge, skill, and resources you need to obtain the maximum settlement amount for your damages. Contact us as soon as possible by calling (248) 886-8650 or filling out the contact form on our website to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.

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